Frequently Asked Questions

布伦纳库 Questions

How do I borrow from the library?

如果你只是浏览并拿起一本书,你可以带着你的QU ID卡或伊利诺伊大学卡到前台,我们会为你检查.

If you need to look for a book by title or 主题, you will need to know the call number of the book that you want. 要找到书号,你需要在我们的目录中查找这本书. We have a computer with our catalog ready for you to use. 你需要输入你的搜索主题,并通过选择找到一本书. There are ways to narrow your search by date published, 主题, or other sorting options if there are too many books. 一旦你有了书号,你就可以在书架上搜索这本书了. 如果你不熟悉书的排列方式,请寻求帮助. We love helping to find material. 然后你需要把书拿到前台去借阅. Your due date for the return of the book will be emailed to you.

How do I renew material?

There are three ways to renew your material; using our online services, 通过电话, 或者路过.

To use our online services, go to Quincy Universities website 在“搜索全球赌博十大网站”框中点击“续订QU和I-Share Books”按钮. Select 全球赌博十大网站 Community Login.在下一个屏幕上,输入您的QU电子邮件地址和密码. 然后点击你想要续借的资料旁边的“续借”按钮.


Or stop by are renew in person.


目前, 我们不收取逾期书籍的罚款,但如果一本书超过6周,它将被推定为丢失,并在您的帐户上放置100美元的罚款. 如果你还书时几乎没有损坏,那么罚款将被取消. 如果你的书损坏了,你可以要求更换,更换费用由像亚马逊这样的在线供应商决定. If you have a fine for late book returns, please see a librarian.


To see if we are closed for a holiday, 春假, 秋天打破, 或者其他不寻常的日子看看我们网站图书馆主页的底部 Quincy Universities website. Or find us on 脸谱网, 布伦纳库-全球赌博十大网站. Were we post a monthly calendar and last-minute closers.

How do I reserve study space?

Stop by and talk to a librarian and we can set up a space for you. 你会得到一些标志,放在你想要保留的地方. 它又快又容易.

How can I scan a printed item to my email?

The library copier quickly scans a hard copy to your email address. Just bring your paper copy to the library and we will help you.

Where can I print from in the library?

The library has 7 computer stations for you to print from. As a student, you are given a printing allowance of $25 a semester. The library has 1 copier and 2 printers to print to. The copier is 15 cents and the printers are 10 cents. The copier will do black & 白色,或者彩色.

Can I access resources from off-campus?

Most of our resources are available off-campus. We have databases to search with journal articles and ebooks. 您将需要使用您的QU电子邮件地址和密码来联系他们中的许多人.

How can I find an ebook?

Quincy Universities website, put in a search topic, and click the search button. 它将在一个新窗口中打开,在搜索框中有一个默认为“图书馆目录”的下拉框.将下拉菜单更改为“QU的电子书”,然后点击搜索图标或在键盘上输入.


How do I borrow from another Illinois library?

我们鼓励你先在我们图书馆的目录中查找这本书. 去 the library webpage Quincy Universities website, put in a search topic or title, and click the search button. It will open a new window with your 研究 results.

After finding out that we do not have a book, 在搜索框中有一个默认为“图书馆目录”的下拉框.将下拉菜单更改为“所有I-Share库”,然后单击搜索图标或在键盘上输入. This will give you the search results from all libraries in Illinois.

Click on the book and a new screen will appear. 您需要登录才能请求一本书,因此单击“登录”文本. Click “全球赌博十大网站 Community Login” on the pop-up window. Log in using your QU email address and password. Click on the arrow in line with the “I-Share” text, (warning- this can sometimes be very slow to respond), and on the next window click the “Send Request” at the bottom.

这将一次将请求发送到一个库,直到其中一个库同意将其发送到QU供您拾取. You will be notified by email when the book is ready for you. 只要让他们知道你要从前台的另一家图书馆拿一本书就行了.

Can I renew a book from another library?

You cannot renew a book from another library in general. 你可以联系另一家图书馆,看看他们是否愿意为你续借这些资料.

Can I pick or return a book to another Illinois library?

该州的大多数图书馆都是CARLI图书馆网络的一部分. 他们会让你拿起你以前从另一个图书馆订购的书, and return books to the Illinois library they were borrowed from. 如果你放假回家,需要在伊利诺斯州的家乡取书,这是很有用的. For a full list of participating libraries visit the CARLI网站

What if another Illinois library does not have it?

我们在伊利诺伊州图书馆使用的服务在州外是不可用的, 但我们可以使用美国邮政服务来获得一本书,如果它在美国没有. 图书管理员必须提交来自伊利诺伊州以外的图书馆的请求. The service we use is OCLC WorldShare. 然后书被邮寄给我们,当我们处理它时,我们会让你知道. You can submit a request in our catalog or contact the library.


What is a peer-reviewed article?

同行评议的出版物有时也被称为学术出版物. The peer-review process 主题s an author’s scholarly work, 研究, 将想法提交给同一领域的专家(同行)进行审查,这被认为是确保学术科学质量的必要条件. (检索 www.美国地质调查局.政府

How do I find a peer-reviewed article?

Start your 研究 at our main site (Quincy Universities website/)搜索框. 您需要点击“文章搜索”选项卡,然后会有一个框选择“同行评议”。. 勾选这个复选框,你的搜索结果只会被同行评审. (你也可以选择“全文”复选框,这样你就只会收到搜索结果中允许你阅读全文的文章)

What does it mean by a full-text article?

Full-text article means that you can read the entire article. 当搜索文章时,你可能会遇到一篇文章,只有文章的段落摘要,而没有整篇文章. 为了避免这种情况, 当你使用全文复选框搜索时,你只会得到整篇文章可供你使用的文章.

How do I get only full-text articles?

通过点击全文复选框在我们的主要搜索框的“文章搜索”选项卡, 您的搜索将设置该参数,以便您只获得全文文章.


How do I know if my article is scholarly?

If your instructor requests scholarly articles, 他们想要的文章已经严格审查的研究领域的专业人士,你的文章是写的. We recommend that you look for peer-reviewed articles.

To find a peer-reviewed article:
Start your 研究 at our main site (搜索框. 您需要点击“文章搜索”选项卡,然后会有一个框选择“同行评议”。. 勾选这个复选框,你的搜索结果只会被同行评审. (你也可以选择“全文”复选框,这样你就只会收到搜索结果中允许你阅读全文的文章)

